Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Keeping it Real

So The idea is to take a picture of yourself right now, no touch ups, no primping, no changing clothes, and post it before you can change your mind!

Here are my two pics! They are both awful. And I'm way fat! I took them with my cell from my desk at work! SECKSI! See me rocking the Head set! Aww Yeah!

Now to tag some folks!

I Tag Sami of course. She's my one and only constant reader.
I Tag Nana of course. She's my one and only constant reader.
I Tag Shannon from HSB as I'm sure she would play along.
I Tag My newest Blogger friend but long time RL Friend BIG DEEEEEEEEE.
I Tag Cj from her Many fabulous blogs cause she is stellar and lots of fun!

That's 5~!


Chveya said...

great! I need another blog entry and just didn't feel like putting poor Sadie through the lense of public observation today. thanks Jess.

CJ said...

Ok, you are so not fat and you are frickin' ADORABLE!! And my post is finally up!