Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My First Toque

I would like to thank my very gorgeous and patient model Punkin for helping with the photo shoot!

This is the first Toque I have knitted. It was knitted on 4 needles as opposed to a circular needle. and it is also my first attempt at fairisle knitting, which is the duel yarn/colour knitting. I started small as I didn't work from a pattern and wanted something to just test my skills. It's just something I whipped up from scratch and I am very proud of the out come. I hope it's not too small for the new baby. It is pink which is really just wishful thinking at this point. I think I will make a little green one and a little purple one as well. Perhaps blue too. It was a fairly quick project. So i'm sure I can make a few more by November 18th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you make me laugh haha
Love Dave